Assess AI Readiness. Identify Gaps. Accelerate AI Adoption.

The AI Readiness Index

AI Readiness Index (AIRI) is an industry-focused AI readiness assessment framework developed by AI Singapore (AISG). It crystallises and distils the critical success factors for AI adoption based on hundreds of engagements AISG has with companies across different industries, sizes, and AI readiness.

AIRI allows business units and organisations to assess their AI readiness and identify the gap between their current and desired state, thereby enabling organisations to understand their suitable approaches to adopt AI and implement targeted programmes to increase AI readiness.

Ultimately, AIRI translates abstract concepts into concrete actions to help organisations accelerate their AI adoptions.

In fact, AI Singapore uses AIRI as a tool to help our companies identify which of our programmes can be leveraged to accelerate their AI journey.



AIRI Components

AIRI consists of four pillars, which map to nine dimensions. The four pillars are interdependent and synergistic.

Organisations with strong Organisational Readiness could identify good use cases, thereby contributing to Business Value Readiness. The use cases are supported by Data Readiness with established data policies, processes, and practices to ensure accuracy, reliability, and completeness of data. Infrastructure Readiness helps to turn ideas into actions by providing the organisation with the tools and technologies to train, host, and deploy AI solutions. 

Collectively, the four main pillars of AIRI provide a holistic assessment of an organisation’s readiness to adopt AI.

Four Pillars and Nine Dimensions of AIRI

The four pillars and nine dimensions assess a specific area that contributes to the overall AI readiness of organisations.

In each pillar, it has several dimensions and each dimension is assessed at four levels of AI Readiness: 

  • AI Unaware
  • AI Aware
  • AI Ready
  • AI Competent

Organisations can exhibit different levels of AI Readiness across the dimensions. 

Organisational Readiness

Organisational Readiness assesses whether the organisation has the necessary foundation to embark on AI initiatives.

Business Value Readiness

Business Value Readiness assesses whether an organisation has determined the business use case for AI adoption and the potential value it brings to the organisation.

Data Readiness

Data Readiness is about the reliability, quality, and consistency of data throughout the organisation.

Infrastructure Readiness

Infrastructure Readiness is about whether an organisation has the necessary infrastructure to support data storage, retrieval, and AI model training.

AIRI Assessment

The AIRI assessment is based on just 9 simple questions and only takes less than 15 minutes to complete online.  You will be able to download your report at the end of the assessment.

Benefits of AIRI Assessment

Sample AIRI report which shows the gaps between current and desired capabilities.

Understand your organisational AI Readiness and put in place programmes to start your AI transformation journey.

AI Readiness Index (AIRI) by AI Singapore is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Share and reproduce for non-commercial use only. No rights to modify or create derivatives.)